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Why doesn’t a single chiropractic adjustment just fix the problem?


Sometimes a chiropractic adjustment may just fix the problem with one adjustment. More often if the misalignment was the result of an injury, repetitive motion, or long-term issue that hasn’t been taken care of it may take more than one adjustment to convince the body to hold the bones in the correct alignment.

If the muscles aren’t balanced, they may pull stronger one way or the other on the bones in your spine causing it to move with the pull of the muscles.

In cases where it took a while for a problem to develop, it may take a while for the body to get better. After years of getting the body into this worsened state we shouldn’t be surprised if it isn’t instantly better with one trip to the chiropractor. At this point, the body isn’t used to being in correct alignment anymore so it may take several visits to help it to stay aligned.

Often daily repetitive motions cause our body to be misaligned. Hunching over at a computer, bending incorrectly, chopping vegetables, turning our head while driving, etc. can cause misalignments. If we keep doing these activities incorrectly then a misalignment will continue to occur.

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